

Film Camera Testing

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Lens Calibration

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Sensor Cleaning

Sensor Cleaning

The five minutes it takes to clean your sensor will save you hours of post processing!  Come in with your camera body and a fully charged battery and let us take a look. We offer this basic cleaning as a complimentary service, however we do accept donations of Krispy Kreme doughnuts, Girl Scout cookies, and homemade baked goods. Also we encourage you to wander around the store while you wait and find some cool stuff to buy!!

Lens Calibration

When you find your focus just isn't hitting quite right, calibrating your lenses may be the fix. Allow our staff to fine-tune your focus at only $25.00 per lens per body to avoid back- and front-focusing issues that can be common in some lenses. Bring your camera body and each lens you'd like to calibrate along with a fully charged battery. This process can take an hour or more per lens. Available Monday through Friday for same day service.



*The following can NOT be calibrated at our store: Canon Rebel bodies, Nikon 3000 series bodies & Nikon 5000 series bodies

Camera Repair

These days, digital cameras require specialized technicians and parts, and almost all repairs have to go back to the factory. We are an authorized Nikon, Canon, Sony, Fuji, Sigma, and Tamron dealer and can send your equipment back for factory service for you. The first step is to bring it in to the store so we can troubleshoot it and determine if it needs to be looked at by the manufacturer's repair staff.

We can do some limited repairs here in the store, such as re-glueing the mirror within DLSRs (if it has fell out of place and still intact) , film camera seal replacement, and occasionally repairing bent pins in card slots. If your camera is acting up, feel free to bring it by so we can try to help figure it out and troubleshoot the issue.

We do NOT repair binoculars, telescopes, or camcorders.


Local Printing Services are a great option for developing film as well as printing high quality images. The following are some great options for your printing needs (contact these businesses for more information on the specific services they offer):

JW Photo Labs
NC Tricolor
The Foto Shoppe